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Reforestation is an essential pillar in the fight against climate change, restoring biodiversity and promoting environmental sustainability. At Greenier, we understand the urgency of this mission and have developed innovative solutions to accelerate and optimize large-scale reforestation. Our technologies target various groups, including governments, businesses, communities and individuals, offering tools tailored to each need to transform degraded land into flourishing forests.

Regeneration sowing after cutting or burning.

After a fire or forest cut, it's crucial to quickly restore the ecosystem to prevent erosion and reintroduce lost biodiversity. Our regeneration seeding solution uses autonomous drones to disperse biodegradable seedpods, designed to germinate quickly. This technique enables precise and economical reforestation, ideal for governments and forestry companies looking to rapidly regenerate the canopy.


Migration-assisted propagation

In the face of climate change, some tree species can no longer survive in their current habitat. Our assisted migration approach helps move these species to more favourable climates. Using advanced climate data and plant growth models, we plan the propagation of these species to increase their survival rate and integrate biodiversity in new regions, which is particularly relevant to government conservation policies.

Image by Vyacheslav Makushin

Regeneration of undeveloped land or land converted to conservation use

Transform abandoned or degraded land into thriving conservation areas with our revegetation program. We work with local communities and landowners to select the most suitable species, while using our drone planting technologies for rapid and sustainable coverage. This solution not only promotes reforestation, but also the creation of carbon sinks and the restoration of natural habitats, essential for businesses and local communities committed to sustainability.


Reforestation Solutions

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