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Our story

The idea behind Greenier, germinated as a foundational solution for a massive regeneration project after the forest fires of summer 2023 and the ice storm of winter 2023 enormously affected Quebec's canopy, the realization became obvious that these growing ecosystem problems would accelerate the need for bold new efforts to combat them.

Our Mission

Reversing the impact of climate change to keep the Earth green and blue.

Our Vision

Unleashing the potential of human creativity to address environmental challenges by empowering communities to implement concrete positive actions. We seek innovative solutions to mitigate the effects of climate change, and put in place the ecosystem of capabilities needed to enable their implementation at scale, here and elsewhere.


We believe that humans can reverse the damage done to the Earth by combining systemic solutions to regenerate the planet.


We draws inspiration from nature to develop synergetic ecosystems based on plant diversity, resilience, natural productivity, and sustainability


We believe that gains are compounded, and iterations on each solution tenfold the targeted benefits.


We are an agency for the development of plant cover regeneration projects, and a research and innovation center for green technologies, whose aim is to design and manufacture innovative solutions to meet humanity's major challenges.


We are working to solve these problems

  • Produce a seeding solution for the vegetation cover that needs to be revitalized and regenerated, enabling the right seedlings to be sown in the right place, under the right conditions for germination, to make up for some of the alarming loss of Quebec's canopy cover, which amounts to millions of hectares annually: 

    • the gap between commercial logging and regeneration through tree planting,

    • the loss caused by the impact on the ecosystem of global warming, such as migratory drought,

    • forest fires and diseases such as spruce budworm that ravage homogeneous forests,

    • loss of soil viability through the drying-up of exposed land, impoverished soils that have lost their regenerative capacity or have been disturbed and lost some of their biodiversity.

  • Capture the alarming amount of volatile carbon is generated in Quebec every year, adding to the cumulative volume not yet captured by plant growth. This carbon must be returned in solid form to mitigate its impact.

  • Make up for insufficient regeneration capacity by planting or seeding for its growing demand.

  • Raise the ROI per $ for governmental, agricultural or private consumers of regeneration services in the reforestation, revitalization, horticulture and agroforestry markets.


What we do about it

We aim to reduce many of the impacts of human growth on different environmental ecosystems, by developing innovative solutions inspired by nature. These solutions catalyze regeneration by implementing a suite of levers to achieve an increased carbon capture effort and enable the maintenance of terrestrial ecosystems at a level necessary to ensure the sustainability of Mankind, Nature and the Earth for future generations. 

We are putting in place a system of proven solutions to achieve massive greening and regeneration of the Quebec canopy, propagate native plant species, develop ecosystems and contribute to the global carbon capture effort.

We aim to develop and introduce new solutions with an impact on profitable and affordable climate change to enable these technologies to be scaled up.

Step 1: Foundation


MVP Greenier + Ittera + Rgro

Identification of key issues, development of potential solutions, creation of an ecoresponsible business model, design and testing of the first prototype, initial deployment. Launch of pilot planting programs in several targeted ecosystems, aimed at establishing 10 test initiatives adapted to their specific conditions.


Mass deployment and launch of end-to-end solutions

Ambitious goal of planting one million trees and doubling that number with support plants, needed to regenerate ecosystems. Greenier's advances in speed and efficiency will be crucial to maximizing our regenerative impact.

2026 +

Accelerating global deployment

The aim is to plant more and more, with a target of one billion trees and twice as many plants, and to be able to support the global effort with campaigns where they are needed to ensure the long-term recovery and sustainability of regenerating ecosystems.

Greenier's services

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